Omega-3 fatty acids are important for the development of nerves and eyesight of infants. The most useful forms of omega-3 are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Although the two work together in the body, each of these fatty acids has its own unique benefits.
EPA works to support the immune system, cardiovascular health, and limit the inflammatory response. On the other hand, DHA is very important for pregnant and lactating women because it is beneficial to support the performance of the central nervous system, brain and eyes.
Infant Brain Development
A study found that mothers who took DHA supplements during pregnancy and breastfeeding could have smart children. A four-year-old child can have higher intelligence (IQ) results thanks to the DHA nutrition.
The positive impact of DHA supplement consumption by pregnant and lactating women was also revealed by other studies, namely children's cognitive outcomes that include motor development at the age of 2.5 years and attention ability at the age of 5 years.
The researchers found that mothers with higher blood DHA levels at delivery had children with high attention abilities in the first two years of their lives. Even when a child turns 6 months old, his ability to concentrate is more advanced by two months when compared to children his age from mothers who have low DHA levels. This developmental progress is also seen in infants whose diet includes abundant DHA essential fatty acids. These fatty acids are found in Mother's Milk (ASI) as well as formula milk and baby food that has been enriched with DHA content.
Other studies have shown that two-year-old children from mothers who took DHA in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy had higher scores on eye and hand coordination tests. Eye and hand coordination is an integrated control between eye movements and hand movements, as well as processing visual input in guiding hands to be able to reach and grasp in accordance with eye coordination. Such coordination is part of the way work is done everyday tasks, such as playing wooden blocks, exercising, making tea, throwing a ball, and others. Children with poor eye and hand coordination will have difficulty doing daily tasks.
Infant Visual Development
A study revealed an association between DHA intake by pregnant women during the second and third trimesters with visual acuity in two-month-old babies.
DHA for Pregnancy
Omega-3 has a positive effect in supporting a healthy pregnancy. Increased intake of EPA and DHA has been proven to prevent preterm labor, reduce the risk of preeclampsia or high blood pressure in pregnancy, and can increase the birth weight of babies. The study found a strong positive relationship between weight and head circumference of the baby at birth and the habit of mothers taking DHA, especially early in pregnancy.
Unfortunately, some pregnant women experience omega-3 deficiency or deficiency due to eating patterns with unbalanced nutrition. This deficiency is exacerbated by the fact that pregnant women run out of omega-3s because the fetus takes it from the body of the mother for the development of the nervous system. Omega-3 is also used after birth to form breast milk.
Meanwhile, pregnant women who lack omega-3 are likely to face an increased risk of postpartum depression. This postpartum mood disorder condition may get worse and occur earlier when the next child is pregnant.
How many doses of DHA do pregnant women need?
Although there has been no official recommendation on what DHA dose is for pregnant women, a review of the study concluded that pregnant and breastfeeding mothers need 200 mg of DHA per day. While some other experts recommend the consumption of 300 mg DHA every day for pregnant and lactating women.
DHA can be obtained from food and supplements because the human body cannot make it on its own. Food sources that contain the best EPA and DHA are salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies, and herring. Unfortunately, there are concerns about the mercury content in these types of fish. For safety reasons, pregnant women can choose to consume EPA and DHA in supplement form. Choose supplements from trusted and certified manufacturers. Avoid supplements with fishy smell and taste. Also avoid fish oils with added artificial flavor so that the scent is too strong because it is suspected to hide the aroma and fishy taste from products that should not be the case.
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