
These are the benefits of fro for the body

Hearing the word fro would have made you imagine how fresh this one fruit. Besides being fresh and delicious to eat with syrup or as a compote mixture, it turns out the benefits of fro are also good for health. The fart turns out to contain a variety of nutrients needed by the body. At least, in 100 grams of foliage there are 243 mg of phosphorus, 6 grams of carbohydrates, 91 mg of calcium, 0.4 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat, 1.6 grams of fiber, 0.5 mg of iron, and as many calories 27 kcal. The fissures are also a source of vitamins B and K and contain lots of water that is good for the body. With this nutritional content, the fro is beneficial to the body. Benefits of fro based on nutritional content The following are some of the benefits of fro based on the nutritional content in them: Fiber The fissures contain soluble or insoluble food fiber. Fiber can facilitate digestion because it helps encourage the movement of food in the intestine. This makes the fats good for...

Cold Solution for People with Diabetes

Colds can be experienced by everyone, including diabetics, to overcome the common cold diabetics must be careful in choosing the content of a drug without increasing blood sugar levels. The term colds is actually not in the medical literature. This term is used in Indonesia to refer to a collection of common symptoms that are often experienced such as flatulence, aches, nausea, chills to fever. Conditions that can be caused by many things are generally handled alone by taking herbal medicines. Here are some ingredients that are generally contained in herbal medicines to deal with colds. Zingiberis rhizoma or ginger plays a role in handling disorders in the stomach, such as pain, nausea, flatulence and diarrhea. In addition, this herb can also handle diseases caused by bacterial and viral infections. Fennel, a deliciously scented herb which, if dried, can be used as a food flavoring. While fennel seeds and oils are used as medicine to deal with intestinal gas, flatulence, heartbur...

Pregnant Women Must Consume DHA to Support Infant Brain Development

Omega-3 fatty acids are important for the development of nerves and eyesight of infants. The most useful forms of omega-3 are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Although the two work together in the body, each of these fatty acids has its own unique benefits. EPA works to support the immune system, cardiovascular health, and limit the inflammatory response. On the other hand, DHA is very important for pregnant and lactating women because it is beneficial to support the performance of the central nervous system, brain and eyes. Infant Brain Development A study found that mothers who took DHA supplements during pregnancy and breastfeeding could have smart children. A four-year-old child can have higher intelligence (IQ) results thanks to the DHA nutrition. The positive impact of DHA supplement consumption by pregnant and lactating women was also revealed by other studies, namely children's cognitive outcomes that include motor development at the age of...

Dairy milk, Using Hand VS Manual Pump and Electric Pump

If you are a working mother or are away from infants who are less than 6 months old, it is recommended to express milk every 3 hours to maintain the supply of milk. Delaying to express milk will reduce milk production. This is because breasts that are too full of milk due to not milking will send a signal to the body that you only need a little milk. To express milk, you can use your bare hands or with the help of a breast pump, either a manual pump or an electric pump. Here are some facts about the three. Express milk using hands Free, is one of the benefits of the method of expressing milk by hand. Mother is always ready to express milk anywhere and anytime without the hassle of bringing pumping equipment. In addition, milking with your hands is very useful when the process of breastfeeding is met with challenges in the early days, for example because the baby is not feeling well or is premature. Mother must first learn to blush using hands directly. At first it might be a bit...

Benefits of Black Rice, A Healthy Alternative with Delicious Flavors

Although not as popular as white rice or brown rice, which is increasingly known, the benefits of black rice are worth a look. Various nutritional contents that are good for the body are present in this type of rice. Black rice is actually the same as white rice and brown rice in general, which is included in the Oryza sativa plant species. Various varieties of black rice, including those from Indonesia and Thailand. Nutrition Content Some of the nutritional content that can be obtained from the benefits of black rice, include: Anti-oxidant antioxidants When cooked, black rice will appear to turn dark purple. That is caused by the content of anthocyanin antioxidants which are high in black rice. The antioxidant content is most abundant in the outer skin. According to one expert, the antioxidant anthocyanin may be useful to help fight heart disease, cancer, and other health problems. One spoonful of black rice has a higher anthocyanin content compared to one spoonful of bluebe...